Which Social Media Networks Should I Be Using?

Which Social Media Networks Should I Be Using?

I’m asked this question time and time again... “Which social networks should I be on?” The answer to this question can be frustrating to some as it’s different for everyone. It’s VERY important that you're using the right social media networks so that you aren't...

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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a VA Business

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a VA Business

It’s important to go into any business aware of the rewards and risks. Not everyone is willing to take risks, especially if you have a family depending on you. So before you invest your time and money into starting up your own VA business, answer these questions… Use...

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8 Tips to Protect Your Website

8 Tips to Protect Your Website

You spend tons of time and money building and maintaining your Virtual Assistant business website and it would be horrible to lose it all in a matter of seconds. Luckily there are several ways you can keep your website safe.  Here are 8 tips to keep your Virtual...

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10 Ways Military Spouses Can Earn Extra Money

10 Ways Military Spouses Can Earn Extra Money

There are a number of ways Military Spouses can boost income while also offering virtual assistant services. Most of these won't take much extra time and can help increase your revenue greatly, especially if you have a large email list.  1. Write an Ebook/Book...

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Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Fire Clients

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Fire Clients

It's important to provide top of the line customer service to clients, and I take pride in doing so. Sometimes you can go a little too far and get taken for granted. Some clients expect too much for too little. If you find yourself laying in bed at night thinking...

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How to Find Clients Locally

How to Find Clients Locally

Virtual Assistants spend so much time marketing their business online that they forget that you can also find clients locally.  Here's five ways you can find clients locally Women's Business Clubs If you are a woman there are usually local women's clubs that are...

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Why You Should Back Up Your Data

Why You Should Back Up Your Data

When you run an online business such as a Virtual Assistant business, it's imperative that you back it up consistently. You could lose everything you've worked so hard for in a matter of seconds. Why risk it when it's so simple to backup and save your business? ...

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