When you run an online business such as a Virtual Assistant business, it’s imperative that you back it up consistently. You could lose everything you’ve worked so hard for in a matter of seconds. Why risk it when it’s so simple to backup and save your business?
Mistakes happen
Have you ever changed something on your website and messed something up? I know I have. If you have a reliable backup of your site you can easily restore your site as if it never even happened.
Crashes Happen
Even in this day and age, technology isn’t perfect. For example, as I’m typing this my Macbook Pro charger has shorted out. Now I need to go to the Apple Store and buy a new one. You never know what might happen next with technology. Your hard drive could die right now, you never know. It’s important to backup in the cloud or you could potentially lose all your data.
Disasters Happen
Disasters happen both nature made and man made. You should always be ready for a disaster. It could be a fire, tornado or just a simple power outage. You need to make sure you are prepared.
Backing up your data is a great way to stay protected when it comes to things like taxes. You have to save that information for several years, so make sure you have backups incase you get audited. The only way to ensure that you have the data you need is to back it up.
Make sure you have more than one backup, don’t just rely on an external hard drive. What if your house caught fire (mine has), or what if thieves break into your home and steal your things? Make sure you backup into both the cloud and have a physical copy.
It costs little to nothing to keep your data backed up. I personally back my data up in multiple ways because I’m worried I might lose something. I have a few external hard drives full of my data, I use BackBlaze, Amazon S3 and Dropbox. You can never have too many backups.
My backup system runs me less than $15 a month and that includes two computers.
I can’t stress enough how important it is to backup your data. It will save you time, money and stress if you backup your data regularly.
I recommend BackBlaze for in the cloud backup. If you want you can read my experience with BackBlaze here.